Thursday, May 21, 2020
Cultural Influences On The Health Care Delivery System
Organizational Culture Culture is shaped over generations through the beliefs, customs, and attitudes within a group. Additional elements also include race, language, and socioeconomic status. Given that culture influences daily behaviors and lifestyle patterns, there is clearly an impact on the well-being and health practices within various cultural groups (Riegelman, Kirkwood, 2015). These diversities influence patient interactions in the health care delivery system. Consequently, cultural influences have led to various disparities in healthcare. A culturally competent healthcare organization is one that recognizes the influences of culture and the subsequent disparities created. These organizations have focused efforts which tailor their delivery of care in order to meet the cultural, social, and linguistic needs of their patients (Purnell et al., 2011). Eliminating racial and ethnic disparities coupled with quality improvement efforts are essential in providing quality healthcare and further improving public health (Delphin-Rittmon, Andres-Hyman, Flanagan, Davidson, 2013). Lancaster General Health Lancaster General Health (LG Health) is a comprehensive not-for-profit healthcare delivery system. They operate with the goal of helping the Lancaster County community get and stay healthy (â€Å"Lancaster General Health†, n.d.). I chose to assess this organization because I am proud to have spent the last twenty-one years working in various areas of diagnosticShow MoreRelatedThe Interdependence Of The Health System1557 Words  | 7 PagesHealth system is defined as â€Å"all activities whose primary purpose is to promote, restore, and maintain health†(WHO, 2000). All activities in the â€Å"system†can be assumed as an organization of components and their interconnections that work together for a purpose, which is concerned with people’s health. 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